مقاله ارزیابی پایایی و روایی ویرایش فارسی پرسشنامه رویای‌ منهایم
Validity and reliability assessment of Persian adaption of Mannheim Dream questionnaire (MADRE)
International Journal of Dream Research Volume 10, No. 1 (2017) 53 Persian adaption of Mannheim Dream questionnaire (MADRE) I J o D R 1. Introduction It has been stated that about one-third of every human lifetime is spent in sleep mode (Domhoff, 2003). The experience which occurs while sleeping in the inner world of humans is known as dreaming (Schredl, Berres, Klingauf, Schellhaas, & Göritz, 2014). Dreams that often are repeated every 90 minutes (Domhoff, 2003) are only accessible if the dreamer recalls them upon awaking (Schredl et al., 2014). As dreams do not happen in the conscious state, some have considered them useless (Kets-de-Vries, 2014). Although dreaming is known to be an entirely subjective experience (Schredl, 2010a), but differing interpretations about dreams since the dawn of time until today, well represent the importance of research in the area of dream. Use of dreams for predicting weather or future prophecies in the primitive cultures can be a good instance for ancient times. While in the present era on the basis of scientific explorations, various roles have been considered for dreams. For instance, nowadays psychologists have accepted a psychotherapeutic effect for dream (Kets-de-Vries, 2014). Moreover, with respect to the experts’ beliefs who worked on the dream, dreams have meanings (Barrett & McNamara, 2012). In many works conducted in the field of dream, numerous questionnaires have been developed and used (Schredl et al., 2014). Use of questionnaire which is a retrospective measure to assess dream (Bernstein & Belicki, 1996) compared with some of the other paradigms of dream assessment like diaries has achieved superiorities in some aspects of dream such as measuring dream recall frequency, nightmare frequency, and lucid dream frequency (Stumbrys, Erlacher, & Schredl, 2013). For example, use of dream diaries to measure the frequency of dream recall may affect the results because it can lead to more reports of dream recall as it attracts the participant attention directly to the dream (Schredl, 2002). A questionnaire which deals with various aspects of dream is the Mannheim Dream questionnaire. Items of this scale have been designated to measure the frequency of dream recall and dream telling, nightmares, lucid dreams, attitude towards dream, reading about dreams, effects of dreaming on coming waking life, and emotional intensity (Woznicky, 2015). Aspects of dream included in MADRE have been individually widely explored from various standpoints through quite a number of studies using numerous methods. Assessing the effects of age, sex, and income on dream recall frequency (Chellappa, Munch, Blatter, Knoblauch, & Validity and reliability assessment of Persian adaption of Mannheim Dream questionnaire (MADRE)

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    مقاله “ارزیابی پایایی و روایی ویرایش فارسی پرسشنامه رویای‌منهایم” در سال ۲۰۱۷ در مجله International Journal of Dream Research منتشر شده و در این مقاله که با هزینه های شرکت علم پژوهان فناور کسب و کارهای آینده اجرا شده، برای اولین بار، روایی و پایایی پرسشنامه رویای‌منهایم به فارسی سنجیده شده است.
    در مرحله اول این پرسشنامه به فارسی ترجمه شده، در مرحله بعد به وسیله ۱۵ روانشناس CVI و CVR. سنجیده شده و در مرحله سوم بعد آلفای کرونباخ این پرسشنامه ارزیابی شده که میزان 0/752 به دست آمده است.

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    مشهد، میدان هنرستان،شهید فکوری 30، پلاک 201، طبقه اول